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  • Thimphu Drubchen, Tashi Chhodzong, Thimphu, 20th to 24th September
  • Wangdue Tshechu, Wangdi Dzong, Wangduephodrang, 23rd to 25th September
  • Gangtey Tshechu, Gangtey Gonpa, Phobjikha, 23rd to 25th September
  • Tamshing Phala Chhoepa, Tamshing Lhakhang, Choekhor, Bumthang, 24th to 26th September
  • Thimphu Tshechu, Tashi Chhodzong, Thimphu, 25th to 27th September
  • Gasa Tshechu, Gasa Dzong, Gasa, 25th to 27th September
  • Thangbi Mani, Tangbi Lhakhang, Choekor, Bumthang, 29th September to 01st October
  • Shingkhar Rabney, Ura, Bumthang, 20th to 24th October
  • Jakar Tshechu, Jakar Dzong, Choekhor, Bumthang, 22nd to 25th October
  • Jambay Lhakhang Drup, Jambay Lhakhang, Choekhor, Bumthang, 29th October to 02nd November
  • Prakhar Duchhoed, Prakar Lhakhang, Chummi, Bumthang,30th October to 1st November
  • Sumdrang Kangsol, Sumdrang Lhakhang, Ura, Bumthang, 11th to 13th November

The Realm Of The Divine Madman And Beyond

DAY1. Arrival at Paro international Airport:

The flight to Paro across the Himalayan ranges affords spectacular sights of the sacred Jhomolhari and Jichudrakey mountain ranges. And if you arrive via Kathmandu, you get to enjoy.


breathtaking views of Mount Everest and Mount Kanchenjanga as well.


Upon arrival you will be greeted by our company guide who will escort you to your hotel. After freshening up and lunch your first excursion will be a drive to Drugyel Dzong, a ruined fortress 16 kilometers away from Paro town.  Although it is in ruins today, the Dzong is of great historical significance as it was here that the Bhutanese resisted the Tibetan invading forces and drove them back. The Dzong was destroyed by a fire in 1951. From here the majestic peaks of Mount Jhomolhari can be seen on clear days. In the evening we can explore Paro town and witness the activities at the archery ground. It is an opportunity for you to familiarize yourself with the sights and the sounds of Bhutanese culture. You will come to experience a wonderful convergence of the modern and the archaic.


You need to note that throughout the tour the itinerary remains very flexible; the choice of places to visit remains entirely at your disposal. We remain but to serve you. Our experienced guides will continually make suggestions and keep you informed about any ad hoc special events and photo ops.


Night halt at Paro.


DAY2. Paro to Wangduephodrang.

After breakfast we hike to the legendary Tiger’s Nest. We can either hike or opt for ponies. Taktshang is precariously perched on a seemingly impossible rock face at approximately 3,000 feet above Paro valley. It is a very sacred pilgrimage destination as well as a tourist hotspot. It is believed that Guru Rimpoche flew there on the back of a flying tigress. The Lhakhang was built around the cave in which Guru Rimpoche meditated. The hike to the viewpoint of the monastery makes for a nice half-day excursion; the thrill of the experience and the view from up above is truly rewarding.


In the afternoon we will drive to Wangduephodrang with a stop en route stop for tea at the 10, 500 meters Dochula Pass. The Pass is popular for tourists for its ideal location from where one can enjoy 360 degree panoramic view of the Himalayan mountain range, especially on clear winter days. The beauty of this place is further enhanced by the Druk Wangyal Chortens-108 Stupas built by the eldest Queen Mother Her Majesty Ashi Dorji Wangmo Wangchuk. The pass is also popular spiritual place for both locals and tourists because of an important temple that is located on the crest of Dochula pass. We can spend some time for photography here. Her Majesty Ashi Dorji Wangmo Wangchuck has achieved a fine blend of history and mythology in the construction of the Druk Wangyal Lhakhang to honor His Majesty the Fourth Druk Gyalpo, Jigme Singye Wangchuck. The past and future appear to merge in the details of the Lhakhang that tells the story of a supreme warrior figure whose vision pierces the distant future.


The road to Wangduephodrang winds down from the Pass, meandering through magnificent pine and rhododendron forests, giving you glimpses into what the term quaint countryside means in Bhutan.


Night halt at Wangduephodrang.


DAY3. Sightseeinng in Wangduephodrang and Punakha.

After breakfast we proceed towards Punakha, the former capital of Bhutan and today the winter residence of the Central Monastic Body. We will then visit Punakha Dzong, initially named as Pungthang Dewa Chenpoi Phodrang or the ‘Palace of Great Bliss’, which was built in 1637 by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel. Located at the confluence of the Pho Chhu and the Mo Chhu, this architectural marvel is the second oldest and the second largest in Bhutan. It is of great historical importance not only because it houses the precious relic – the Rangjung Kharsapani (over which many battles were fought between the Bhutanese and the Tibetans) and the sacred remains of the Zhabdrung and Tertoen Pema Lingpa, but because the Royal Wedding for the Fifth Monarch of Bhutan His Majesty King Jigme Khesar Wangchuck took place there. Each year, besides the Annual Tshechu there is a festival at the Dzong called the Punakha Dromchoe and it recalls the 1639 invasion of the country by the Tibetans who were successfully repulsed. Surreal sights, excellent views and a very calming experience await you at Punakha.


Then we visit the Kamsum Yulley Namgyel Chorten, the only one of its kind in the world and a splendid example of Bhutan’s fine architectural and artistic traditions. It was built by Her Majesty the Queen Mother, in dedication to the well being of the kingdom and the benefit of all sentient beings. A 30-minute drive from Punakha Dzong will bring you to the base of the hill on which this temple is built. From the car park, you cross a suspension bridge and walk through rice fields before you start climbing a moderately inclined trail surrounded by pine trees. Because of its strategic location you can enjoy the best view of Punakha from the top of this temple.


After that we will make a stop at Metsina village where we will visit Chimed Lhakhang, the temple dedicated to Lama Drukpa Kinley – the Divine Madman. As a Buddhist master, Lama Drukpa Kuenley is placed among the highest levels of sainthood. But he is remembered more vividly for the outrageous nature of his teachings, which were administered in the most unexpected ways, often with a strong sexual overtones and inclinations. And because the Lhakhang is dedicated to him it is considered a temple of fertility.  Most of the people who visit the temple do so to pray for children – either to ask for children by those who are childless or to seek protection for children by those who already have them. There are many people in Bhutan, and indeed in other parts of the world, who will vouch on the success of their prayers.

Later we will visit Rinchengang, a small clustered village opposite to the Wangduephodrang Dzong. The people of the villager are known for their excellence in traditional stone masonry. One can get a great view of the Wangduephodrang Dzong, the valley and the river from here. In the evenings we can stroll through the shops of Bajothang, (where the Wangduephodrang town has been recently shifted to). The warm evenings made all the more delightful by the riverside breeze have all the makings for a pleasurable and relaxing evening.


Night halt at Wangduephodrang.


DAY4. Hike to Chorten Nyebu Monastery

After breakfast we take a 30 minute drive up to Kabjisa from where we will begin our hike. The hike up to Chorten Nebu is roughly about 2 hours uphill. This 14th century temple houses a magnificent statue of Maitreya – the future Buddha and is accessible only by foot. Legend has it that this area was once a dense forest inhabited by demonic spirits. The Divine Madman Drukpa Kinley is attributed to have killed all of them by hurling a blazing log into their midst. The huge oak tree outside the monastery is said to have grown out of the very log that the Divine Madman hurled at the demons. Interestingly, even today, one can actually see that the bark of the tree bearing signs of having been burnt.


Night halt at Punakha.


DAY5. Wangduephodrang to Thimphu.

After breakfast we drive to Thimphu and in the afternoon you can explore the town on your own. Thimphu became the capital of Bhutan in 1961. Thimphu contains most of the important political buildings in Bhutan, including the National Assembly of the newly formed parliamentary democracy and Dechenchholing Palace, the official residence of the King and the Queens, located to the north of the city. Shopping for exotic items in the local markets and handicrafts emporiums is an experience in itself and shows you many aspects of local culture that is religiously protected from outside influences.


Night halt at Thimphu.


DAY6. Sightseeing in Thimphu.

Past experiences resulted in our coming to the conclusion that different guests have different opinions about what is interesting and what is not, about what they want to see and what they don’t.  And therefore we decided that instead of us giving our guests stiff directions regarding which places they are to visit or what activities they are to do, we will leave the choice entirely up to them. Below is a list of some of the major attractions in Thimphu from which our guests can choose and decide for themselves. Our guides will always be at hand to provide you with their valuable suggestions.


  • Tashichho Dzong – houses the throne room as well as the offices of the King of Bhutan, the Je-Khenpo (Chief Abbot) and other government offices. It is also the summer residence of the monastic body. The present Dzong was erected in 1968 around an older building, of which the central tower is a visible feature.
  • National Memorial Chorten – was built in memory of the Third King of Bhutan. Glimpses of the Chorten in the early morning hours are indeed worthy of being deemed priceless. It is almost perpetually teeming with devotees circumambulating it because it is believed that it is a wish fulfilling monument.
  • National Institute of Traditional Medicine – continues to nurture Bhutan’s reputation as ‘Lho Jong Men Jong’ or ‘Southern Land of Medicinal Herbs’ by continuing and promoting the age old healing and medicinal practices. Medicinal herbs are abundant in the kingdom and indigenous medicines are prepared here. The Institute also conducts training courses for practitioners.
  • The Buddha Dordenma Statue – is a colossal and the largest Buddha statue in the world seated atop the Kuensel Phodrang Mountain, directly overlooking the city and affords a fabulous view of Thimphu valley.
  • The National Post Office is where the very famous Bhutanese stamps can be got hold of, to cater to all your philatelic needs.
  • The Clock Tower Square – is a recently renovated square splat in the middle of the city. Fountains and miniature traditional Bhutanese prayer wheels add to making it a pleasant site to relax and chill out in the evenings.
  • National Folk Heritage Museum – provides rare insights into the traditional Bhutanese ways of life within the setting of a traditional Bhutanese house. Bhutanese dances and exhibits are also held regularly inside the museum compound.
  • Changangkha Lhakhang – built in the 12th century by Phajo Drugom Zhigpo, this temple hovers over a ridge above the Thimphu valley. It is the oldest temple in Thimphu and it houses Chenrizig: a 11-headed, thousand-armed manifestation of Avolokitesawara as the central statue.
  • The Handicrafts Emporium – puts at your disposal a wide assortment of beautiful hand-woven and crafted products to choose from as souvenirs and gifts.
  • BBS Radio Tower – is well worth the ten minute extra drive beyond the Takin Reserve. It offers splendid views of the city from a hilltop festooned with prayer flags. This is where the tower for the Bhutan Broadcasting Service – the National Television channel is located
  • Takin Reserve – this is only place in Thimphu where the National Animal of Bhutan, Takin (budorcas taxicolor) is found. Bhutanese call it ‘Drong Gyemtse’. Legend has it that this animal was given life by the scandalously famous Drukpa Kinley, also known as the ‘Divine Madman’. It is said that since he was offered second-rate meat than the others during a meal he commanded the remaining bones of whatever animals that they were eating to rise saying ‘looks like you haven’t eaten well during your life time, so go and feed’. The bones miraculously merged into one and trotted off into the jungles. People believe that this is the reason for the Takin’s goat face and cow body. In addition to the Takin there are a few musk deer and barking deer as well.
  • Zilukha Nunnery – the biggest nunnery in Bhutan is perched on a promontory overlooking the Tashichhodzong. The view of Tashichhodzong from the Nunnery is exquisite.
  • National Library – provides a permanent home for the sacred religious books and manuscripts.  The repository rooms of the archives houses an extensive collection of many rare and important documents including old records, letters, microfilms and around seven thousand important photographs. Thus the archive is the foundation of Bhutan’s National Memory Bank. Here one can also come across the largest published book in the world.
  • The National Institute for Zorig Chusum (Traditional Arts and Crafts) – is a school of arts that trains students in Bhutan’s 13 traditional arts and crafts. Tertoen Pema Lingpa, the renowned Treasure Discoverer is credited to have introduced these art forms to the people of Bhutan. These traditional crafts are a representation of the centuries of knowledge and ability that has been handed down through generations of master craftsmen and artisans and has played a vital role in shaping the Bhutan’s unique culture and heritage. The wood working, black smithy and sculpting that are taught and practiced do make for an interesting visit.
  • Semtokha Dzong – built in 1627 it is the oldest Dzong in the country. Today it houses the School for Buddhist Studies.
  • Dochula Druk Wangyel Chorten – was built to commemorate the bravery of the Bhutanese forces who successfully managed to dispel the Indian insurgents who had illegally infiltrated the country in 2003. The 108 chortens were built in 2004, in memory of those that lost their lives during the military operations. Because of the unique dance movements, costumes and setting, the recently initiated Druk Wangyel Festival is an exclusive treat and a must see for locals and visitors alike.

***We can also check out the National Stadium at Changlimithang for archery matches or just take a leisurely stroll through the streets of Thimphu.

Night halt at Thimphu.


DAY7. Thimphu to Paro with a morning hike to Tango Monastery

After breakfast we will take a 12 kilometer drive north of Thimphu from where we will begin our hike up to the approximately 400 year old Tango Monastery. It takes around 40 minutes of uphill hike through a lush forest of moss covered trees to reach the monastery. Tango Monastery is a Buddhist college, and the residence of the Desi Tenzin Rabgye, a young boy who is the reincarnation of Desi Tenzin Rabgye. The name Tango translates into ‘Horse Head’ and it confirms to the wrathful deity Hayagriva in whose form Avalokiteshvara revealed himself at the location where Tango Monastery now stands. During a visit to this place Phajo Drugom Zhigpo is said to have heard the neighing of a horse and seen the horse head shaped cliff engulfed in flames. The deity said to have appeared before him in person and prophesied that Phajo would build a meditation centre at Tango, marry his spiritual consort, Khando Sonam Peldon and lay the down the foundations for the Drukpa Kagyu School in Bhutan.


Tango Monastery was founded by Lama Gyalwa Lhanangpa in the 13th century and built in its present form by Desi Tenzin Rabgye the 4th Temporal Ruler. It is believed that the statues inside the temple shed tears at the time of Desi Tenzin Rabgye’s passing. Even today the tears stains can be traced out on the wall paintings while visiting the Monastery. Besides, there is a Kudung Chorten, a stupa where Gyalse Tenzin Rabgay’s ashes are kept. The sandalwood trees found in the vicinity are said to be Phajo Drugom Zhogpo’s walking sticks. The Chorten beside the cypress trees is the place where Khando Sonam Peldon, Phajo Drugom Zhigpo’s divine consort, attained enlightenment.


In the afternoon we will drive to Paro. And in the evening visit a traditional farmhouse, enjoy a typical Bhutanese dinner and pamper yourself with a relaxing traditional hot stone bath at hotel Tashi Phutshok.


Night halt at Paro.


Please note that guests wishing to lodge in four or five star hotels do have the option of doing so but will have to bear the extra charges themselves and also the ‘hot stone baths’ and cultural programs are not included in the total cost of the trip.


DAY8. Departure from Paro.